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Sunday, January 17, 2010

What happened to the puppy?

Every time I look a Odin I am amazed at how much he has grown. He is currently 17lbs, when I got him he was 6lbs! His puppy fur is almost gone and his butt fluff is looking good:)

He is all up to date on shots. He had  4 rounds! Next is the big "snip snip"...I have noticed him starting to mark places in the grass. Luckily we have not had any mounting yet, but I am sure that will come in the next few days.This is the first time I have ever had a boy dog...he embarrassed me in puppy class by letting it all hang out when the trainer was holding him to massage him..."PUT IT AWAY ODIN!"...eeek!!

His canine puppy teeth are still in, I can't wait until he loses them! Hopefully I can get at least one of them.

I have taken him to the dog park 5+ times since he has his shots. He gets excited when we pull in to the parks parking lot! So cute! Next Saturday will be his first Central Florida Corgi Meet-up, I know he will be great. At the parks I allow him to play with the big dogs. Its like they know he's still a puppy, they are nice to him. I keep a close eye out on all the dogs there just in case. So far I see the same people since I go at the same time. Its nice to get to know all the dogs:) Yesterday, Odin was lucky to have another corgi visitor! His name was Chester, he's about a week older. They are very similar in size! What a relief! For a while there I felt like I was over feeding my pup.

This is Odin and Lando Oliver, a friend in Jacksonville:) (Odin has the white leg)

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