Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Natures Medicine
It started off bad when I noticed Odin stool. It looked like there was a casing on it. I took a picture, but some dont like too look lol. Of course I was the worried mother, but I took advise from my fellow corgi friends to just wait it out. And of course hes fine:)
Then my bent truck key finally decides not to work. Leaving me stuck at school. All I wanted to do was get home to Odin so I could try and get him to poop again. Luckily I gave a my boyfriend the spare key..problem solved.
On my way out to my last class..40 min away.. I went to lock the door and BENT THE HOUSE KEY! It almost broke in the door..that would have been bad. So now I couldn't lock the door....but I had to go. Luckily duplex neighbor has a spare key to the house...
But like I said, my boy Odin is always there for me:) How can u tell a pup no when he looks at you and tells you he loves you and that hes hungry lol.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Natures Miracle Stain and Odor Remover
This stuff works well right after an accident. It doesn't do too well with set in stains.
Innova Puppy Food
I LOVE this food. Odin is an optimal pooper and has never had diarrhea. His coat is beautiful. And its a plus that I can pronounce everything on the label. He has never eaten his poop either. I know some puppies have that problem.
Kong (Stuffing)Toys
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Thinking about a puppy?? This is what I have spent.
Odin is a little over 4 months now. This is what I have spent if you are thinking about a puppy.
Vet Visits
$ 85 -1st vet visit for initial checkup (no shots).Included an ear exam and meds for an ear infection.
$ 72 - 2nd round of puppy shots + fecal exam & visit
$ 50- 3rd round of puppy shots
$ 95- Last round of shots. Rabies-Kennel Cough- DA2P+Parvo+CVV..and fecal exam
(I still need to get him neutered)
Dog Food
I feed him Innova Puppy. Remember you have to ween puppies off a food slowly. He went from Eukanuba to Innova. I bought a small bag at first to make sure he would eat it. Then once weened off I bought the biggest bag I could @ $30.00. Once he finished that bag I was forced to get a smaller bag since that was all they had. Now that I know where I can find the food I will continually get the bulk bags. Thus saving money.
At the pet store!
This will include nail trimmings, toys, necessity's, training, AKC, implanted chip...impulse purchasing counts!
Vet Visits
$ 85 -1st vet visit for initial checkup (no shots).Included an ear exam and meds for an ear infection.
$ 72 - 2nd round of puppy shots + fecal exam & visit
$ 50- 3rd round of puppy shots
$ 95- Last round of shots. Rabies-Kennel Cough- DA2P+Parvo+CVV..and fecal exam
(I still need to get him neutered)
1st four months of vet costs total
(remember, after this you will only need shots once a year.)
Dog Food
I feed him Innova Puppy. Remember you have to ween puppies off a food slowly. He went from Eukanuba to Innova. I bought a small bag at first to make sure he would eat it. Then once weened off I bought the biggest bag I could @ $30.00. Once he finished that bag I was forced to get a smaller bag since that was all they had. Now that I know where I can find the food I will continually get the bulk bags. Thus saving money.
Dog Food total @ 4 months
This will include nail trimmings, toys, necessity's, training, AKC, implanted chip...impulse purchasing counts!
~ $360.00
(Does not include price of the puppy)
(This is what get people the most, some spend a lot more than others)
So far I have spent $722.00 on the pup.
*** I am posting this to be an aid to those looking into buying a new puppy***
What happened to the puppy?
Every time I look a Odin I am amazed at how much he has grown. He is currently 17lbs, when I got him he was 6lbs! His puppy fur is almost gone and his butt fluff is looking good:)
He is all up to date on shots. He had 4 rounds! Next is the big "snip snip"...I have noticed him starting to mark places in the grass. Luckily we have not had any mounting yet, but I am sure that will come in the next few days.This is the first time I have ever had a boy dog...he embarrassed me in puppy class by letting it all hang out when the trainer was holding him to massage him..."PUT IT AWAY ODIN!"...eeek!!
His canine puppy teeth are still in, I can't wait until he loses them! Hopefully I can get at least one of them.
I have taken him to the dog park 5+ times since he has his shots. He gets excited when we pull in to the parks parking lot! So cute! Next Saturday will be his first Central Florida Corgi Meet-up, I know he will be great. At the parks I allow him to play with the big dogs. Its like they know he's still a puppy, they are nice to him. I keep a close eye out on all the dogs there just in case. So far I see the same people since I go at the same time. Its nice to get to know all the dogs:) Yesterday, Odin was lucky to have another corgi visitor! His name was Chester, he's about a week older. They are very similar in size! What a relief! For a while there I felt like I was over feeding my pup.
He is all up to date on shots. He had 4 rounds! Next is the big "snip snip"...I have noticed him starting to mark places in the grass. Luckily we have not had any mounting yet, but I am sure that will come in the next few days.This is the first time I have ever had a boy dog...he embarrassed me in puppy class by letting it all hang out when the trainer was holding him to massage him..."PUT IT AWAY ODIN!"...eeek!!
His canine puppy teeth are still in, I can't wait until he loses them! Hopefully I can get at least one of them.
I have taken him to the dog park 5+ times since he has his shots. He gets excited when we pull in to the parks parking lot! So cute! Next Saturday will be his first Central Florida Corgi Meet-up, I know he will be great. At the parks I allow him to play with the big dogs. Its like they know he's still a puppy, they are nice to him. I keep a close eye out on all the dogs there just in case. So far I see the same people since I go at the same time. Its nice to get to know all the dogs:) Yesterday, Odin was lucky to have another corgi visitor! His name was Chester, he's about a week older. They are very similar in size! What a relief! For a while there I felt like I was over feeding my pup.
This is Odin and Lando Oliver, a friend in Jacksonville:) (Odin has the white leg)
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Since Odin is/was too small to hang out the window I held him up to the cars AC. He loves it!
Puppy teeth
Odin lost his 1st tooth on Dec 17th! And yes...I am keeping it:)
I cannot wait till they are all gone! Wayyy to sharp!
I cannot wait till they are all gone! Wayyy to sharp!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
2nd vet visit
I took Odin to the vet the other day for his second round of shot. 2 more rounds to go. I like my vet! Today I am taking him to get him nails cut because I am have a HARD time doing it. I think it is because I went to short when he squirmed once and now he freaks out:(
Potty training is getting better, only a few accidents now. He is learning that it is not okay to bite down hard on our fingers. He learned Down and Sit:)
Potty training is getting better, only a few accidents now. He is learning that it is not okay to bite down hard on our fingers. He learned Down and Sit:)
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
First week down!
Odin is my little man!
Let's see...This week has been very eventful for my little pup! He goes to bed a midnight and wakes at 7am, like clock work. He does his business outside every time I let him out now. I can't wait until he gets a little taller so I can see if he's peeing. I have to crouch low on the ground to look or even have to feel to see if he has gone LOL!
One morning he was chewing on his kennel bars, got his jaw stuck and was not able to get it out. That was the saddest cry I ever heard! If anything I think that taught him not to chew on the bars!

I took him to a vet near me just so I could get him looked over and get on a schedule for his upcoming shots. Sadly he had an ear infection when I got him, but he's doing fine now with his ear drops.
We took him to the 2009 Florida Corgi Picnic this past weekend! He has a blast! I think he is still napping to catch up from the excitement. He had to stay on the leash, but you would have never known that he was only 9 weeks old by the way he played with the bigger dogs that came around. He got to see his sister Cinny and brother Goliath. It was cute to watch them say hi to each other:) But when you compared Odin to them he was SOOO much bigger! I swear I'm not overfeeding him lol. He doesn't even finish the "recommend amount"
He is offically all switched over to his new food, Innova Puppy. He is a super pooper now:) His paws met Mr. Dremel yesterday, he wasn't too happy, but it takes time. He doesn't mind Roomba much, if anything it may become a new excersise tool:)
My family came down to Orlando to meet Odin. My mom and aunt can not figure out why he doesn't have a tail. I think they think it is weird. It was hard trying to explain that Corgis are herding dogs and the tails get docked so they don't get stepped on. Their nick name for him is O din din. greattttt! LOL! Sable, my family's Pomeranian was not too happy to meet Odin. Hopefully when they meet again for Thanksgiving things will run a little smoother. Dad and Ruby love him!
Let's see...This week has been very eventful for my little pup! He goes to bed a midnight and wakes at 7am, like clock work. He does his business outside every time I let him out now. I can't wait until he gets a little taller so I can see if he's peeing. I have to crouch low on the ground to look or even have to feel to see if he has gone LOL!
One morning he was chewing on his kennel bars, got his jaw stuck and was not able to get it out. That was the saddest cry I ever heard! If anything I think that taught him not to chew on the bars!
I took him to a vet near me just so I could get him looked over and get on a schedule for his upcoming shots. Sadly he had an ear infection when I got him, but he's doing fine now with his ear drops.
We took him to the 2009 Florida Corgi Picnic this past weekend! He has a blast! I think he is still napping to catch up from the excitement. He had to stay on the leash, but you would have never known that he was only 9 weeks old by the way he played with the bigger dogs that came around. He got to see his sister Cinny and brother Goliath. It was cute to watch them say hi to each other:) But when you compared Odin to them he was SOOO much bigger! I swear I'm not overfeeding him lol. He doesn't even finish the "recommend amount"
He is offically all switched over to his new food, Innova Puppy. He is a super pooper now:) His paws met Mr. Dremel yesterday, he wasn't too happy, but it takes time. He doesn't mind Roomba much, if anything it may become a new excersise tool:)
My family came down to Orlando to meet Odin. My mom and aunt can not figure out why he doesn't have a tail. I think they think it is weird. It was hard trying to explain that Corgis are herding dogs and the tails get docked so they don't get stepped on. Their nick name for him is O din din. greattttt! LOL! Sable, my family's Pomeranian was not too happy to meet Odin. Hopefully when they meet again for Thanksgiving things will run a little smoother. Dad and Ruby love him!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Let the fun begin!
The true puppy has arrived!
Let me start out by saying that he sleeps through the night in his kennel and is doing really well with the bell ringing:)
Up until today Odin did well in his kennel, but that is partly because he goes in when he is already tired....
Today we learned that he doesn't like when I am not there with him by his kennel. I tried to put him in and wait until he calmed down to let him out again. It took him 2 hours to stop crying and barking! I thought it would be more like 10 min when he would just get tired and fall asleep. Guess not lol. He even cries in his pen...just takes time I guess.
Let me start out by saying that he sleeps through the night in his kennel and is doing really well with the bell ringing:)
Up until today Odin did well in his kennel, but that is partly because he goes in when he is already tired....
Today we learned that he doesn't like when I am not there with him by his kennel. I tried to put him in and wait until he calmed down to let him out again. It took him 2 hours to stop crying and barking! I thought it would be more like 10 min when he would just get tired and fall asleep. Guess not lol. He even cries in his pen...just takes time I guess.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Day 1 with Odin
I can't believe it! There is a Corgi puppy following me around everywhere now!
He is perfect. He is learning pretty fast. The kennel wasn't a problem at all, he slept through the night! He woke me up at 3am, but I expected it, then again at 8am..I took him out both times and he did his business:)
When ever he touches his bell I let him I hope gets the hang of it:) I introduced him to lots of people yesterday and he did so well! He didn't cower or shake, all he did was wag his little stub!
He is currently sleeping with my boyfriend, Adam. It's precious:)
I can't believe it! There is a Corgi puppy following me around everywhere now!
He is perfect. He is learning pretty fast. The kennel wasn't a problem at all, he slept through the night! He woke me up at 3am, but I expected it, then again at 8am..I took him out both times and he did his business:)
When ever he touches his bell I let him I hope gets the hang of it:) I introduced him to lots of people yesterday and he did so well! He didn't cower or shake, all he did was wag his little stub!
He is currently sleeping with my boyfriend, Adam. It's precious:)
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Cashed in the coin jar
I can't believe it. I will actually have a corgi puppy running around tomorrow. The past 3 years has felt like a long journey...even though the journey is not over:)
Odin's coin jar was all cashed in today. It felt amazing to actually use it for what it was saved for...and not just Orlando tolls lol. All apartment contract payments have been paid(which were more than the price of my dog!)
The only contracts left are those with the breeder. And they will be signed at Odin's vets office, where I will pick up papers..and him of course!
I can't believe it. I will actually have a corgi puppy running around tomorrow. The past 3 years has felt like a long journey...even though the journey is not over:)
Odin's coin jar was all cashed in today. It felt amazing to actually use it for what it was saved for...and not just Orlando tolls lol. All apartment contract payments have been paid(which were more than the price of my dog!)
The only contracts left are those with the breeder. And they will be signed at Odin's vets office, where I will pick up papers..and him of course!
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